American Industrial Research Complex
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technology test, research and educate facility

Newest Innovations Breakthroughs and Announcements!!

Drones and Defense

While working on AI development of the drone network and AI systems,  Aircom has designed a new algorithm that could allow drones to not only see, identify and avoid all other objects, but also identify what could be a potential enemy threat, (terrorism, domestic, or otherwsie), before it/they become a true threat, thereby, cutting response times dramatically. 

You would see and identify an enemy before they were able to cause harm. This type of technology could help the military, police departments and anti-human trafficking entities to prevent harm to many many people.  


We have designed another algorithm to focus on preventative medicine. This algorithm could be used to determine how and when a person might be headed for a serious medical problem, before it happens. We believe, with further studies of course, that we might even be able to determine what part of the body the threat or illness may occure as well. This research could be crucial to help prevent many types of illnesses. The medical industry is full of amazing innovative technology for helping people. This type of AI and study could be another medical tool for preventative treatments.